petak, svibnja 29, 2009

Standard iz 1996.

Standard koji je na snazi od 1996. godine - englesko izdanje

FCI‑Standard N° 277 / 04.06.1996 / GB

(Hrvatski Ovcar)

TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : Croatia.


UTILIZATION : His instinct to herd and guard the flock is strongly developed, but he can also be well used as a guard dog.

FCI CLASSIFICATION : Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs).
Section 1 Sheepdogs.
Without working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Croatian Shepherd Dog is at the lower limit of the medium sized dogs. The basic colour is black. The short hair on the head and the legs is the characteristic sign of the breed.

BEHAVIOUR / CHARACTER : Lively, attentive, modest and easy to train.

IMPORTANT PROPORTION : The length of the body exceeds that of the height at withers by about 10 % making the body outline rather rectangular.


Description of the ensemble : Relatively light, wedge‑shaped. The length of the muzzle compared with that of the skull is of 9 to 11. The total length of the head is about 20 cm.
Skull : While narrowing, continues into the muzzle; the superciliary arches are not developed, the cheeks are rounded, but the head on the whole is lean. The frontal furrow is not marked, the skull seen from above is oval. The occipital protuberance can be marked.
Stop : Slightly marked.

Nose : Always black and not prominent.
Muzzle : Lean, the profile of the nasal bridge is straight, and this in conical shape is an extension of the upper part of the skull. The lower jaw is in good proportion with the foreface so that the muzzle is neither too pointed nor too blunt.
Teeth : Well developed and in scissor bite. The pincer bite is permitted but undesirable. Complete dentition.
Lips : Thin, tight fitting and elastic, with firm labial corners. The visible mucous membrane of the lips is black.
Eyes : Brown to black, medium size, almond shape, with lively expression. The eyes are not set oblique. The well fitting eyelids are dark in pigmentation.
Ears : Triangular, pricked or semi‑pricked, of medium length and set slightly to the side. The pricked ears are desirable. Cropping is not permitted.

NECK : The neck is oblique in comparison with the topline; in profile upper and lower lines are straight; moderately long, deep, muscular, well rounded but not too strong.
The skin is without folds, covered with thick hair.

Withers : Not prominent. The transition from the neck region to the back is gradual and hardly visible.
Back : Short, muscular.
Lumbar region : Short and well muscled.
Rump : Of medium length, slightly oblique, well muscled and visibly broad.
Chest : Of medium length, rather broad and deep, well sprung ribs. Forechest not pronounced, in profile its line is merging with the lower line of the neck.
Belly : Slightly tucked up. The flanks full and firm.
Tail : Set moderately high, the hair dense and bushy. At rest, carried low or level with the back; when the dog is alert, it is carried above the back line. The puppies may be born without tails or they are docked so that they are not longer than 4 cm on the adult dog.


FOREQUARTERS : The forelegs are straight and parallel seen from the front. The angulations are fairly open making the forequarters rather upright. The legs are of medium length. The shoulders slightly oblique, medium length, well muscled. The upper arm is relatively short, forearm long and muscled. Light bone structure. The pastern joint is lean and not distinguishable from the rest of the forearm, the pastern not completely vertical; the foot small, of elongated shape. The toes are tight, the nails black or grey, the pads firm.

HINDQUARTERS : The hindquarters have moderately open angulations. Seen from behind, the limbs are parallel; the thigh is rather long and the hock close to the ground. The thigh moderately broad, muscled. The hock is lean, well developed with a moderately open angle. The feet are similar to the front feet, although more elongated. Dewclaws should be removed.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Preferred gait is the trot and the length of the stride is moderate.


HAIR : The hair on the back is of 7 to 14 cm long. The facial part of the head is invariably covered with short hair. The outer side of the ears is covered with short hair and with longer hair on the inner side. The backside of the forelegs is fringed with long hair down to the pastern. The hind legs have culottes (fringes) which go down to the hock. The hair is relatively soft, wavy or even curly. Must never be wooly. The undercoat must be dense.

COLOUR : The basic colour of the hair is black. A few white markings are allowed. White markings on the head, the body and the tail are not permitted, whereas below the throat, the chest and under the chest, they are permitted but undesirable. Stockings or socks lessen the qualification.

HEIGHT : The size at the withers for males and females varies from 40 to 50 cm.

FAULTS : Any departure form the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Aggressive or overly shy.
Any other than black pigmentation of the nose.
Loss of more than 2 first premolars (PM1).
Undershot or overshot mouth.
Light or albino eyes.
Hanging ears.
Coat entirely woolly or too long.
Long hair on the face.
White markings on the head, the body and the tail.
Height at withers more than 50 cm and below 40 cm.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Prvi standard iz 1969. godine

Danas više nevažeći standard al s neznatnim razlikama od novog standarda ipak ga ovdje objavljujem da ostane kao uspomena.

Secreteriat General: 12. Rue Leopold II, Thuin (Belgique)

No:277 le 31.januier 1969.

Hrvatski ovčar je pas na donjoj granici srednje visine. Živahan je, pažljiv i skroman pastirski pas. Lako poučljiv. Osnovno je crne boje, a karakteristična je kratka dlaka na glavi i nogama.
Visina kod grebena iznosi kod mužjaka i kod ženke 40-50 cm. Pas je nešto izduženog pačetvorinastog formata (on je oko 10% duži od visine).
Naročiti mu je razvijen instinkt čuvanja stoke, a veoma je upotrebljiv i kao čuvar kuće.

Općenito: Glava je relativno laka, klinastog oblika. Gubica se prema lubanjskom dijelu glave odnosi kao 09:11. Ukupna dužina glave iznosi oko 20 cm.
a) Lubanjski dio glave prelazi klinasto u gubicu, očni lukovi nisu izraženi, obrazi su zaobljeni. Općenito, glava je suha. Čeona brazda izražena. Lubanjski dio ovalan. Tjemeni greben može biti izražen.
b) Gubica je suha, nosni hrbat ravan i klinasti je produžetak lubanjskog dijela glave. Dobro je razvijena, donja vilica čini skladnu cjelinu s linijom nosnog hrpta. Gubica nije šiljasta ni tupasta.
c) Zubalo je dobro razvijeno. Dozvoljeno je i klještasto zubalo, no poželjno je škarasto.
d) Usnice su suhe, prilegnute, elastične, usni kutevi zatvoreni. Usnice su izvana crno pigmentirane.
e) Njuška je uvijek crna, ne iskače od linije nosnog hrpta
f) Stop je slabo izražen
g) Oči su smeđe do crne, srednje veličine, bademastog oblika, ravno položene, priljubljenih kapaka, živahnog izgleda. Rubovi očnih kapaka su tamno pigmentirani
h) Uho je nešto postrance nasađeno, stojeće ili polustojeće, trokutastog oblika, srednje veliko. Kupiranje nije dozvoljeno. Poželjne su stojeće uši.

3. VRAT:
Vrat je nešto podignut nad linijom leđiju, gornja i donja linija vrata je ravna. Umjereno je dug, srednje snažan, dubok, dobro zaobljen, mišićav. Koža je bez nabora i gusto je odlakan.

4. TRUP:
a) Leđa su kratka i ravna, mišićava. Slabinski dio je kratak i dobro povezan, greben nije izražen. Prijelaz u vrat je postupan.
b) Prsa su srednje dužine, dosta široka i duboka, rebra svedena, grudi slabo izražene. Prijelaz u vrat je u ravnoj liniji
c) Trbuh je blago usukan, slabine su ispunjene, čvrste.
d) Sapi su srednje duge, u blagom padu, mišićave, primjereno
e) Rep je srednje visoko nasađen, gusto i dugo odlakan, u mirovanju opušten ili nošen u leđnoj liniji, u afektu podignut iznad leđne linije. Postoji urođena bezrepost ili se rep kupira tako da je kod odraslog psa dug oko 4 cm.

a) Kutovi prednjih nogu su otvoreniji, stav strmiji, noge ravne, gledano sprijeda paralelne. Noge su srednje dužine. Lopatica je srednje dužine, nešto strmije postavljena, dobro mišićave. Nadlaktica je relativno kratka, podlaktica je duga, mišićava. Kosti su lakše.
b) Šapje je suho, ne ističe se. Došapje je kratko, ne sasvim
okomito na pod, šape male, čvrste, poluzečje. Prsti skupljeni.

Stražnje noge su srednje otvorenih kuteva. Noge gledano straga su paralelne.Potkoljenica je duža, skočni zglob niži.
Stegno je srednje širine, mišićavo. Skočni zglob je suh, dobro izražen, srednje otvorenog kuta.
Stražnje šape su iste kao prednje, male i čvrste, no nešto izduženije. Čaporci se otklanjaju.

Hrvatski ovčar kreće se živahnim kasom, korak mu je umjerene dužine

a) Dužina dlake je na leđima 7-14 cm. Lični dio glave uvijek je kratko odlakan. I uši su s vanjske strane kratko odlakane, dok su iznutra obrasle dugom dlakom. Stražnje strane prednjih nogu je duže odlakano od šapja. Stražnje noge su gačaste do skočnog zgloba. Dlaka je relativno meka, valovita do potpuno kovrčava. Ne smije biti vunasta.
b) Poddlaka mora biti gusta. Temeljna boja dlake je crna. Dozvoljene su pojedine bijele dlake. Bijele dlake na glavi, tijelu i repu nisu dozvoljene, dok su dozvoljene na grlu, grudima i prsima. Bijele oznake na prstima su dozvoljene, ali nepoželjne.
Hrvatskog ovčara isključuju slijedeće greške: Manjak više od dva prva premolara (peti zub), svijetle oči, albinično oko, svaka druga boja njuške osim crne, potpuno vunasta i jako duga dlaka. Bijele oznake na glavi, tijelu i repu, dulje odlakano lice, potpuno viseće uši, čarapaste noge (putaste smanjuju ocjenu), predgrizači i podgrizači. Visina viša ili niža od propisane.

Razočarenje ili neshvačanje?

Dugo sam razmišljao otvoriti ovaj blog i u njega unositi sva svoja razmišljanja ili jednostavno sve prešutiti i raditi šta mi se kaže.

Ipak sam odlučio biti svoj i ne gaziti stopama drugim već svjesno koračati naprijed u slobodu kinologije.

Tako počinjem sa svojim blogom.

A zašto sam razočaran? Unatoč silnim ukazivanjima na greške koje čine članovi HKS-a i Odbora-Povjerenstva za autohtone pse a što sam rekao pokojnom predsjedniku a i sadašnjem predsjedniku, n akon mog istupa na Skupštini HKS_a ne preostaje mi ništa drugo nego nastaviti po svome.

Pa . . . sretno mi bilo!